
Sometimes it feels as though happiness can be so elusive. One moment, you are brimming with gratitude and everything seems to have a little extra sheen to it, and then the next, we get dragged down to lower levels of consciousness through comparison and lack. Until we truly master our own minds, this fluctuation is the norm that most people live in day to day. 

However, there are always tips, tricks and tools to help us refocus our attention on all the goodness that we are surrounded by. After all, we are all here having a human experience, so lets do our best not to be so hard on ourselves, ok? 

These are some of my favorite ways to move from any kind of negative emotions, to that sweet experience of happiness.


There is magic in your smile, and this simple act can transform you and the world around you. Not only are smiles contagious, but every time you turn the corners of your lips up, your brain receives a little dose of neuropeptides that releases all the feel good neurotransmitters, like dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. So show off those pearly whites, and smile to yourself & others as often as you can.


By now, you should know how much I love self-love. Taking time to nurture yourself is essential so that you can give more to others, yourself and function more optimally. Self-love is key to vitality, health, and happiness! 


This one can be scary, I know, because I've done it many times. (read my #MeToo post here) Owning up to your shadows and demons, with love, acceptance, patience, understanding and light is the only way we can truly free ourselves. We are all imperfectly perfect. We are all a work in progress and a masterpiece at the very same time. Hug all the parts of yourself that you hide from the world. You are worth healing. You deserve to know pure bliss and joy, always.


Hugging is a powerful form of healing! Research shows that a proper hug, where the two hearts are touching, can help build trust and security, boost levels of oxytocin, which helps heal feelings of loneliness, and even strengthen the immune system. Hugs teach us how to give and receive. So next time you greet another wonderful human, take a few extra moments to truly embrace one another, and allow yourself to be embraced too. 


Considering we are made up of 70% water, I would say that it is quite important to make sure we stay hydrated! Glow yourself from the inside out. Water is essential for the proper circulation of nutrients in your body. Take care of the wonderful skin you're in and drink up. Health = Happiness. 


Another majorly important aspect of my life, and one of the main reasons I find total bliss in every day. Meditation. It truly is the key to everything. To knowing ourselves better. To understanding ourselves and in turn the world around us more meaningfully. If we can connect to ourselves, in that pure and innocent way that meditation provides, we can have more meaningful connections with those around us. Not just humans, but plants, animals, even expressing deeper appreciation for objects around us. I whole heartedly believe that if we all practiced meditation regularly, the world would be rid of all of its problems. Bye bye depression, wars, separation, and hello happy!!


Meditation truly helps us be more present. To be in each moment as it arises, rather than getting caught up in the future or past. When we dwell in the past, we are reliving old moments, stuck in a loop, projecting the same experiences into our future. When we anticipate the future, we get overwhelmed with anxiety. So lets make an effort to be HERE. Now. Right here. In this beautiful and perfect moment. Smile!


To some, this concept comes very naturally & to others, well... not so much. It can be a real challenge, especially with the qualms of social media, where we feed off of likes and approval, to not care about what others think. But let me tell you, it might be the most freeing experience to finally let go of the need to fit yourself into someone else's mold of who they think you should be. Only YOU know what is best for you. 


By the way, you don't have to go to college, get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids, or any of the other ideals that society deems necessary for a fulfilling life. You can travel. Make your own job. Wear whatever the hell you want. Be who YOU want to be. Because you are the only one living your life, my friend, so make it one that fills you to the freaking brim with joy. Every. Single. Day.


I love gratitude. It turns what we have into more than enough. Go from a state of lack to one of abundance in moments!! Look around you, RIGHT NOW. What can you be grateful for? How about a device to read this on. How about those eyes you're using right now to read these words? How about those beautiful lips you have to smile with? Or those arms you have to hug with? How about the food and the water that nourishes you? Or the fact that today, you are alive? I love my 5 Minute Journal for expressing gratitude every day. Oh, and I am SO grateful for you, you beautiful human you!


Artist. Yoga & Meditation Teacher. Conscious Content Creator. Founder of wellness app, The How.




FINDING BALANCE: Effort & Surrender